I’m always on the lookout for cool productivity apps and PushBullet takes the cake. If making your PC or Mac play nice with your phone or tablet is a priority, take note. There isn’t a better way to do it. PushBullet makes sending files and links easy PushBullet makes sending a file or link to […]
Device Update – New ROMs Are Fun!
I’ve been a super huge fan of CyanogenMod for several years now. I’ve used it on all my devices. From my HTC Hero CDMA to my current Galaxy Nexus (Sprint) aka the toroplus. I’ve really grown to love the little tweaks and add ons that make the custom ROM just shine. The problem is, however, […]
Plex – Take It With You!
If you love having access to your media on your mobile device like I do, you need to check out Plex. Movies, TV and music all go wherever you have internet access. And depending on how much internal storage you have on your device being able to stream some can make a big difference in […]
App Review – aCar
One of the great things about mobile devices is, well, the mobility! I always have my phone with me. So an app that helped me keep track of car maintenance was a no brainer. aCar helps me keep track of fill-ups, mileage and regular maintenance tasks. All with a clear interface and great Pro options. aCar really shines in what you […]
App Review – AppSync
If you have more than one android device and use the same apps on both, sometimes it can be annoying trying to keep data matching (at least, those without cloud support). Enter AppSync. A “root-required” app that will match data between devices while connected on the same WiFi network. Setup of AppSync is really easy […]
App Review – Shush!
Have you ever been a meeting and had your ringer go off, interrupting everything? Embarrassing to say the least. But what about when you actually remember to turn your ringer off, only to realize 4 hours later it’s still off and you’ve missed all kinds of important incoming notifications? Shush! let’s you silence your device for just the right […]
App Review – Catch Notes

Catch is one of those apps I really can’t be without. When I first started using Android a few years ago I went on a hunt for a really good note taking app. There were lots to choose from in the then Android Marketplace, but I realized there was one major feature I wanted. The […]
App Reviews – Android apps you really should check out
I’m starting a new series with the goal of sharing a few of the Android based apps I can’t A few of my current apps on displayseem to live without. I did a full wipe and new setup yesterday and it got me thinking, “I should share some of these great apps with other people!” […]
Prevention Is Key – Protect Your PC/Laptop/Phone from Theft or Loss
It saddens me when I hear about a lost or stolen phone or laptop. Just a few weeks ago a friend lost his phone at a restaurant. His whole life was on there and now it’s gone, possible forever. Contacts, customer information, todo lists, you name it. We live in a technology world, with our lives […]
Do You Subsonic?
I recently wrote a blog post over at mrkniceguy.com revealing my thoughts on the new Netflix pricing announcement and it got me thinking about writing a post about the different ways I stream media around the house and out-and-about. Funny, because after I started writing I spotted this post over at How-To-Geek with something similar. So, here’s […]