App Review – Catch Notes

Catch is one of those apps I really can’t be without. When I first started using Android a few years ago I went on a hunt for a really good note taking app. There were lots to choose from in the then Android Marketplace, but I realized there was one major feature I wanted. The ability to store notes in the cloud.

I knew that if something ever happened to my phone and I couldn’t access my notes, I would be losing some valuable and potentially irreplaceable information. Having my notes backed up to the cloud meant not only were they safe from destruction and loss, but I could potentially also access them from almost any PC.

Enter Catch Notes. Catch Notes is a nifty little note taking app that was still called 3banana when I found it. Since then the company has grown a lot and the features included now are much more than just simple note taking. You can now store voice notes, pictures and even have to-do lists. All stored safely on their servers. And Catch takes security very seriously. I never have to worry about losing my notes or having them compromised.

Best of all, when a thought strikes me, I just open up Catch and enter it in. Safe. Secure. Simple. Accessible. Catch gives me everything I need in a note taking app. Catch is free for a basic account (which is what I’m still using) and has advanced options for power users.

Check out Catch in the Google Play Store and let me know what you think: Catch Notes