I spent part of Saturday and Sunday playing around with root for my Archos 70 Internet Tablet. This little device has taken good care of me for a while. My only real issue was the last firmware update really messed some stuff up. Namely, a battery percentage issue (never hit 100% and seemed to drop […]
Starting From Scratch
I love playing with Android ROMs. There are so many great developers and ways to tweak your system. About once a month or so I like to wipe everything and start fresh. This is the process I follow to do this. This process is HTC Evo 4G specific but that doesn’t mean it won’t work […]
BlackMod and all the Rooted Goodness that is Android [Archive]

I’ve really, really gotten to love the new ROMs from #teamdouche coming out right now. They’re released via Cyanogen on http://www.cyanogenmod.com. I played around with the nightlies for the better part of August and September, but recently have settled on a gem of a workup from jaybob413. You see, jaybob413 has taken the pure bliss […]