Custom Homescreen – mnml blue v.3

HTC One Custom HomescreenA recent post has generated a lot of questions about my current home screen setup. I decided to dedicate a whole post to how I got this beautiful setup working on my phone. Original design credit goes to ~Connor P over at My Color Screen.

First, download all the files you will need here. You’ll also need UCCW and Power Toggles from the Google Play Store. Also, you’ll need a custom launcher. I use Nova Launcher.

These settings work well on my HTC One. Adjust for your device. Setup Nova (or your custom launcher) to 12×10 grid. Enable Widget Overlap and Resizing. Disable Shadow and Label Icons. Under Look and Feel, hide Notification Bar.

Set the background image as your wallpaper, then long-press and choose “Widget” and add each UCCW zip to the screen. It doesn’t matter what size you add, you’ll be resizing as needed.

As you set up each UCCW widget, customize to your needs. Under “Edit Object” choose your static text (as needed) and the custom hotspot app for that text.

I’ve also included hotspots on the Weather, Clock, Date and Battery widgets so you can link those to the apps you want. I have the weather link to the “News and Weather” app in stock Android, the battery link to the system settings, the date link to a calendar (for me Business Calendar) and lastly, for the clock to link to… well, the Clock!

Use the edit field in UCCW to rotate, move and adjust until everything works for you! UCCW Edit Screen

The Power Toggle widget I used to add the Play Music controls. Just remove the buttons you don’t need, add the ones you do and then be sure to change the color (I used white).

Lastly, I created a new invisible widget for the top right part of the screen. You can edit the hotspot to link to whatever you like. For me, I have it linked to my IR Blaster remote since I use it regularly but didn’t really want an icon for it. Have fun with it. Last thing, turn on Hotspots in UCCW and you’re ready to go!

Questions? Let me know. Modify it to fit you? Share a link!

I hope you love this beautiful screen as much as I do. Again, props to ~Connor P for the original design. All I did was tweak the Hotspots to make it a little more power-user friendly and personalized.